Friday, December 31, 2010


I am Jessica Tenekegian. I have a passion for love and a love for passion. I am a early bird, a learner, a explorer and a optimist. I laugh till I cry most everday. I dig into hearts, thrift stores and indie music. My glass is half full. I am a photographer with intentions of captivating beauty, and leaving people inspired. I am a free soul. I love people so much that I hate being alone. I want to hear your stories, I want to learn from you, learn from the world, and take it with me so I can learn from myself. My weaknesses are taylor swift, patience, and chocolate. My strengths are looking for the good in every soul and finding love within everything I do.

I started this blog a year ago recording every day of 2010. This has been the best year yet.

If you kept up with me, I hope you have taken something out of it.

"let's go to sleep with clearer heads & hearts to big to fit our beds"

goodnight 2010 and goodmorning 2011; I'm curious how you will mold me.

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