I write this through anxious fingers connecting to a beating heart and a almost-too-thoughtful brain thinking of everything I could be doing, my long list of things to do, the moment I am living in contrasting with the conflicting moment of the future.
You know when life has planned something really fun for you?
and you're supposed to say yes to the situation but you don't?
something in your soul feels that you should stay back,
something tells you to rest,
something tells you not to be involved,
your mind is saying,
"why would I miss out on an opportunity like this?"
but your body is saying,
"please let me lay here, let's be alone, me and my mind"
your soul needs to be alone?
well, that is me in this moment.
I'm an macro extrovert
but a micro introvert
I need to rest
I need to listen to this newly found amazing voice
listen to what it is saying
rest in the fact that God is speaking so clearly
life shouldn't be cloudy
life should not be cloudy